This instruction film of the Ministry of National Defence and the Army and This instruction film of the Ministry of National Defence and the Army and Aviation Institute is dealing with application of ...
The film opens with Marshal Joffre talking to General Pershing. It then shows French soldiers in the rear area peeling potatoes, moving around woods, saddling pack horses to take them for a ride, and ...
All very dark, poor quality film. It includes scenes of Gurkhas in trenches, 60-pounder guns firing, British soldiers walking through a lemon grove and other British soldiers resting. This is followed...
Austrian troops practise an attack in waves up a hillside, with some men acting as 'casualties' for the stretcher-bearers. A general view of the ground, below the snow-line, on the Italian Front. A mo...
Vorbereitungen zum Aufstieg des Fesselballons; Beobachteroffizier legt den Fallschirmgürtel an und steigt in den Korb; Einweisung am Kartenbrett; Überprüfung der Feldtelefonverbindung; Aufstieg des...
Men of Australian 3rd Division, probably 4th Brigade, 13th (New South Wales) Battalion, inspecting from an observation tower the scale model of the battlefield laid out near Scherpenberg, about the si...
(Reel 1) Near Bapaume a German "anti-tank gun" lies in an unidentifiable wreck with its crew dead beside it. Shells burst in the distance. Two 6-inch Mk VII guns are drawn by Holt tractors to new posi...
Refugees watch horsed transport move down a road by a shell dump. The gunners attend to their 155mm howitzers. Lorries move up another road. Gunners check that a 155mm Schneider gun is properly limber...